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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Best Home Remedy For Cracked Heels (Super Effective)

Are your heels so cracked that it hurts every time you put pressure on them? Or even If they're slightly cracked but it ruins the whole look of your feet every time you wear a nice pair of sandals which expose your heels. 
This home remedy suggested by non other than, Mama Soph, is guaranteed to work with instant results. 
The best thing about this home remedy is that it requires only 2-3 ingredients which you probably already have in your home. 
This home remedy is not only good for cracked heels, but it can also works wonders on your hands and face if you have very dry skin. It will leave your skin super moisturized, smooth and silky. 

Step 1

Get a small container of some sort which you can mix and store the mixture in to use it later on. 

Step 2

You probably have some leftover soaps in your bathroom that don't lather as much. If you don't, just cut a small chunk off any soap, new, old, doesn't matter. And cut it into tiny pieces and put in into the container 

Step 3

Take a few table spoons of glycerin and pour it in to the container. Stir the whole mixture together well.

Step 4 (Optional)

If you'd add a few drops of Rose Water, it will be much easier to blend the mixture together.
MoreoverRose water adds vitamins A, B3, C, D, and E as well as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. 

Step 5

Take a liberal amount of that mixture and massage it on your heels. Let it sit for a good 5 minutes (or more if your heels are very cracked) and then wash it clean. It would be better if you'd apply the mixture before you take a shower/bath or you can apply it before going to bed and wear socks then wash it the next morning. Repeat this everyday and you'll see the results in just a matter of few days.

The Glycerin and the pieces of Soaps in the mixture will soften the skin and mend the cracks in no time.

Hope you guys found this tip helpful. My mum uses this remedy all the time and it worked incredibly fast. Make sure give it a try and share it with your friends and family if they are going through this horrible and painful problem.
Take care and
Stay Fabulous~

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